Why Proving You’re A Human Should Make You Proud

Why Proving You’re A Human Should Make You Proud

Updated Oct 6, 2019

Anyone who has filled out an online form has surely encountered a CAPTCHA, or Completely Automated Public Test for Telling Computers... read more

Why Are Lasers Shooting Out of Telescopes?

Why Are Lasers Shooting Out of Telescopes?

Updated Oct 18, 2019

Videos and photographs of telescopes and telescope arrays can be gorgeous, showcasing these incredible man-made objects against a clear night sky. In some... read more

Why Do Old Films Play Fast?

Why Do Old Films Play Fast?

It was a simpler time, it was a better time. Back in the black and white times of history, technology was at its infancy and the video cameras of... read more

How Does the Rear View Mirror Dimmer Work?

How Does the Rear View Mirror Dimmer Work?

So you're driving down the highway at night and listening to some tunes when all of the sudden someone comes up on your tail end. Next thing you know... read more

32-bit vs. 64-bit Processors

32-bit vs. 64-bit Processors

What's the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit? When we download software or operating systems, there is usually an option to download either, so there... read more